The PSK Goes Back to School! Puget Sound Knappers Demonstrate at Samish Woods Montessori School - Bellingham, WA November 28, 2012
Master Flintknapper Dr. Joe Higgins and knappers Valli Eichstedt and Jim Keffer were recently invited to the Samish Woods Montesorri School in Bellingham, WA to talk about and demonstrate flintknapping to twenty-four 4th - 6th graders. The students had been studying Paleo-Indian history and were interested in learning more about their stone technology. We brought with us several displays of points, both artifact and modern replicas, plus bow, arrows, knives and other stone artifacts and flintknapping tools. We also brought our flintknapping kits with both modern and 'Abo' tools. After a relatively brief discussion of the history of stone tools we jumped right into the demonstration phase - much to the delight of both students and their teachers. While to many of us flintknapping is easy to get excited about, the students at Samish Woods Montessori School showed both a remarkable interest as well as understanding of Paleo culture - certainly for 4th - 6th graders! A real tribute to the Samish Woods Montessori staff of teachers! Here's the only photo I had time to take - hopefully we'll receive more later! Dr. Joe lectures on stone technology! (note the tarp already down!)
A little Midnight Lace
Sitting in the middle facing out - we were able to let all the students get a close look. left to right (Jim Keffer, Valli Eichstedt, Doc Higgins)
Valli and Doc Higgins Jim Keffer - a little explanation
Valli demonstrating percussion knapping Jim demonstrating percussion knapping to a large audience!
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